For participating companies, a standardized questionnaire will be distributed to their design departments. Each company will identify all projects in which their design department was clearly involved over the past year and create a list of internal stakeholders who contributed to these projects (e.g., heads of business divisions, heads of R&D departments, and executive officers). The questionnaire will then be sent via the company's intranet or other channels to all listed individuals for their responses. The collected responses will be anonymized, with all personal and confidential corporate information removed, before being submitted to the research team.
In this study, we will aggregate all collected responses and conduct factor analysis to identify key elements of the Design Organization KPI. Using these identified KPI elements, we will perform multiple regression analyses on the entire dataset as well as for each individual company. Predictive models for overall satisfaction with the design departments will be developed for all participating companies and for each individual company. These models will be provided as feedback to participating companies at no cost. The goodness of fit (R² value) of these predictive models will be calculated for the entire dataset and for each company to validate the model’s reliability.